Stack Modular Housing - Prefab Affordable Housing, Manhattan, New York

Floor plans / Drawings
Construction Process
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About GLUCK+

ProjectThe Stack Modular Housing
Design TeamShannon Bambenek, Jacob Chartoff, Marc Gee, Peter L. Gluck, Thomas Gluck, Charlie Kaplan, James Macgillivray, Brian Novello, Silan Yip
Area37,710 square feet
Structural EngineersSilman (Foundations), The Harman Group (Modular)
Geotechnical EngineersPillori Associates
Mechanical EngineerRodkin Cardinale Consulting Engineers
Prefabrication ConsultantDeluxe Building Systems Inc.
LocationManhattan, New York, USA
PhotographyAmy Barkow

Utilizing an off-site construction method and an innovative design strategy, The Stack modular housing has managed to streamline the entire development process and create a high-quality product with a small carbon footprint, pioneering the future of construction in New York City.

Individual modules are constructed and fully finished in a factory setting, while the eventual building site is simultaneously prepped for their arrival. Expending far fewer raw materials than traditional construction methods, the modules are fabricated in a highly controlled environment, allowing for quality assurance and precise engineering.

Once transported and on-site, the modules are literally stacked—the inspiration behind the building's name—and seamlessly integrated into a singular structure, an aesthetically pleasing building that enhances both the streetscape and the pedestrian experience. In the final stage, an expressive façade is fixed to the modular framework, making a strong visual statement to passersby that reflects the building's unique means to existence.

The modular construction method rapidly accelerates the production schedule, completing buildings in virtually half the time of the traditional on-site process, while also opening a new realm of opportunity for urban development. With its distinctive architecture and luxurious yet accessible lifestyle offering, The Stack modular housing serves as a proud example of the possibilities enabled by modular construction, and is a welcome addition to the Inwood community.

The Monetary and Non-Monetary Impacts of Prefabrication on Construction: The Effects of Product Modularity

April 2022

Krishna Chauhan1, Antti Peltokorpi1, Rita Lavikka2 and Olli Seppänen1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Aalto University, 02150 Espoo, Finland

 2VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 02044 Espoo, Finland

1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Method
4. Analysis and Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions


Prefabrication is rapidly increasing in construction, and previous research has identified various impacts of prefabrication on projects. Modular product architecture is a great enabler for prefabrication; however, practitioners would benefit from more explicit knowledge on the impacts of prefabricated product types with different levels of product modularity. This study investigates the connection between the modularity level and the monetary and non-monetary impacts of prefabricated products. First, the literature on prefabrication and modularity is used to form three propositions which are related to product modularity and the benefits of prefabrication. The level of modularity is considered with two dimensions: the proportion of modules and the module description detail. Second, four prefabricated products are analyzed to test the propositions. The analysis revealed that (1) the level of modularity adopted in the product is directly proportional to the benefits. More specifically, (2) a higher proportion of modules in a project product contributes to higher cost-benefits. On the other hand, (3) prefabricated products with highly detailed module descriptions seem to lead to higher non-monetary benefits, such as better ergonomics and work satisfaction. The study reveals new empirical evidence on the relationship between product modularity and the benefits of prefabricated products. Cost-benefit analysis revealed that even though some prefabricated products could have higher direct costs, the total cost can still be lower than conventional construction when also considering the indirect benefits. Practitioners can utilize the findings when selecting modular and prefabricated products that best fulfil their project objectives.